Thanks for dropping by THE POND. Everyone is welcome as we explore the world of Politics, God, Country and Saving the Children. We invite you to read our MISSON STATEMENT here.

Pepe friends of the Pond.

Join X Space alert

Sign up to join our X Spaces alert when we gather together to discuss the latest breaking news, listen to ground breaking speakers, brainstorm national/local impact and share updates on saving our kids!

The pond family

It’s a pleasure to introduce our Pond family. Our team is committed to assisting everyone that joins our X Spaces, have an informative and drama-free experience. We invite you to request a mic and join the conversation.

Patriots we support

Please lend your support to these incredible Patriots. We are a community that supports President Trump returning to office in 2024

Journalists we support

In the word of Fake news, we select elite journalists to follow and share their stories. These are just a few we encourage you to follow.

Shop The POND

Please check back often, we are working on creating our line of Merchandise.

save the children

save the children

save the children save the children

patriots and organizations dedicated to saving the children

There are angels and heroes amongst us! We celebrate and support these Patriots and organizations that dedicate their lives to saving the children from trafficking and sexual exploitation! The time is now to support these people and groups.